Author Archives: susanvida

About susanvida

Happily retired, I now spend much of my time in Valencia Spain. I fill my days with photography, cooking, dining and visiting with friends. In my "former life" I was a Director of Human Resources for Starwood Hotels and Resorts. I am married to Martin Kaplan, who shares my passion for Valencia, food and of course, our daughter, Rachel Sara.

Thanksgiving in Valencia

I am a person who does not seem to know how to do things simply.  So Thanksgiving just had to be like the one I do back in LA.   I decided to do the apricot- glazed turkey with roasted onion … Continue reading

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Lazy Day

After Sunday’s eating extravaganza, I decided that Monday would be a good day to take it easy.  I think my internal clock is finally on Spain time and I actually woke up at 8:00 am instead of my usual 5:00.  … Continue reading

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Just a Little Lunch with Friends

A rainy Sunday morning made it easy to hang around the house.  My first task of the day was to prepare my favorite Baked Cranberry Relish for Thanksgiving dinner, which I will be hosting.  The most difficult part of the … Continue reading

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Jumping in

Remember when you were a kid and played jump rope?  It was that first jump in to get started that was always so hard.  Well, that is how I feel about blogging at the moment.  But at last I have … Continue reading

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