Jumping in

Remember when you were a kid and played jump rope?  It was that first jump in to get started that was always so hard.  Well, that is how I feel about blogging at the moment.  But at last I have jumped in.

Happy to be on my way

For those of you who do not know me, I am Susan Vida Kaplan, thus Vistas de Vida has become the name I use for my photographic work and the blog.  I have been happily retired for a little over 2 years.  This has given me the time to enjoy the things I love– travel, photography, cooking and creating new recipes and of course, sampling the food of the places we visit.  The we, by the way, is my husband, Martin Kaplan and me.  At the urging of my friends I am finally going to share my passions (except the husband) with anyone who is interested.

After 10 frustrating months of waiting, our Spanish visas were granted and we will be residing in Valencia, Spain.  This will be the our 4th extended visit here and the longest.  Valencia has truly become the city of my heart.  It is described as una ciudad muy acogedora (very welcoming city) and that is certainly true.  It has a charm and warmth that has quickly made me feel at home.  Given that I am from Los Angeles, the city of the car, it is a delight to get everywhere walking and being greeted by people along the way.

Our piso (flat) is in a very residential area only a 10-minutes walk from the center of the old quarter of the town and most importantly, the Mercado Central.  The Mercado Central is a stop on my route nearly every day so that is great.  The Mercado is the largest indoor farmer’s market in Europe and is a cook’s paradise. The choice and freshness of product is outstanding.  Over the years the vendors have become our friends and each return to Valencia has been greeted with hugs and kisses.

El Mercado Central

El Mercado Central - Interior

Amparo at the fruteria

Amparo at the fruteria

Tellinas, almejas and berberechos

Enough for today.  Tomorrow I’ll fill you in on the paella we’re going to have at Pepe’s house.  We have known Pepe, an excellent magician and cook, for over 15 years.   But, more about magic and Pepe later.

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