Category Archives: Uncategorized

It Was a Very Good Year

It is December 31, and I thought I’d take a moment or two to look back on the year 2012- and what a year it was! We began the year with and intimate dinner at La Fórcola, one of our … Continue reading

Posted in Family and Friends, Spain, Travel, Uncategorized, Valencia | 1 Comment

Someone’s in the kitchen with….Jordi of Carosel

  We met Jordi Morera , Chef Owner of Carosel, in 2009.  He was teaching a cooking class called Arroces de tu abuela  ( your grandmother’s rice dishes) and we thought it would be great fun to attend.   It … Continue reading

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Happy Holidays

I always find that period between Thanksgiving and New Years one filled with angst.    Too much shopping, too many unhappy-looking people buying things they can’t afford, and just too much tension.  There are often high expectations all too often resulting … Continue reading

Posted in Family and Friends, Food, Travel, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

So, Just how did we get here?

So I ask you, “  How do an ordinary  LA couple like Susan and Martin Kaplan end up at a “Cata de chocolate” at La Cuchara Mágica in Valencia, Spain?”  I guess that’s a long story that shows you never … Continue reading

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Waking Up Is Hard to Do

After a 2:00 AM bedtime, getting up for a Friday morning hair appointment was a bit of a challenge. Thursday evening we had a lovely dinner at the home of Brian and Ofelia and then made our way  to Café … Continue reading

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It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

While I seem more than willing to shop for things for the house,  I am not crazy about clothes shopping for me.  However,  with the encouragement and company  of Zahava, I decided to meet the challenge of the day – … Continue reading

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Busy Days

Wednesday I decided it would be a good day to make lunch at home. We had picked up some veal and mushrooms the day before.  This inspired me to sauté up some mushrooms with garlic and then add a little … Continue reading

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A Few Observations – None Related

Observation #1- I do not have the self-discipline it takes to do a blog entry every day.  It is too much like having to write a composition for school every day.  Besides, I am retired. To me that means having … Continue reading

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Frantic Friday

Friday, we began our day with a 7:00 AM departure to the Comisaría de Policía.  This was followed by a 5-hour wait in line to finish the Spanish Visa process.  Having lived in Alaska, Buffalo and Boston, you’d think that … Continue reading

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Lazy Day

After Sunday’s eating extravaganza, I decided that Monday would be a good day to take it easy.  I think my internal clock is finally on Spain time and I actually woke up at 8:00 am instead of my usual 5:00.  … Continue reading

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